
Visit the National Brewery Museum
Located in the Potosi Brewery Complex at 209 S. Main Street in Potosi Wisconsin.

Open Daily from 10:30 am to 9:00 pm

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American Breweriana Association
ABA is America's most active Breweriana Association with almost 3000 members worldwide. Members receive a 48 Page Full Color Bi-Monthly Magazine, free Coaster offerings with each issue, 6 Free Exchanges, a Large Free Lending Library, and an Affordable Annual Meeting.

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Member Museum

When the American Breweriana Association, Inc. (ABA) was formed in 1975, the founders included the goal of establishing a breweriana museum in the organizing documents. This goal was realized when the National Brewery Museum TM opened in 2008.  The National Brewery Museum TM is an ABA member’s museum. The artifacts you will find on exhibition in the museum are on-loan from ABA members.

Member Exhibits

The exhibits in the National Brewery Museum TM are slowly changed on a continual basis over an eighteen to twenty-four month period. In this way, when your return to the museum you will have a fresh breweriana experience. Shown below are examples of previous member exhibits.

Gund Lithograph

Blackhawk Beer Exhibit
Fitger's Beer Exhibit

Something for Kids

There are several exhibitions that the kids will enjoy.  On the third floor of the National Brewery Museum TM is an exhibition of model beer trucks or model race cars that represent vehicles sponsored by a brewer. There is an interactive model railroad layout, on the third floor, that features three beer trains the kids can operate.  One of the trains is Thomas the Tank Engine. Big kids can play too.

Beer Trains

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